Stylish and Professional Floor Sanding

Stylish & Professional Timber Flooring is managed by two buisness owners that specialise in timber floors since 1996. We not only deal with new floors but also old timber floors. We offer a variety of services related to floor renovations such as preparation Penetrating stain polishing and floor installation of all types of timber flooring for domestic property and commercial sites. As a floor sanding team we possess an awsome measure of involvment in this industry and utilizing that experience we certanty offer dependable and durable services. The machines used are always maintained and serviced to avoid any damages to your floors. Our service also provide disposal of old carpet but with a small charge.We do offer Free Quotes Repairs to Timber Floors Out-door dec servicesModified oilsSolvent Based PolyurethaneStainWater Based PolyurethaneIf you do have any questions please dont hesistate to callLuis Pereira - 0410 150 788Yesenia Pereira- 0450 811 337



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