
Cook Wanted 0952503 BC Ltd. DBA the Great Mongolian BBQ is looking for a qualified cook (Two Positon Available). Requirements Over 3 years of experience in cooking is required Completion of high school education is required Wage C 15.00 17.00 hour with 40 hours working week including 10 paid holidays per year Job duties l Plan prepare and complete traditional and trendy hot foods l Cooks and prepares food according to production guidelines and recipes l Knowledge of food product identification and acceptable level of food quality l Ensures food is stored at the appropriate temperature for the appropriate length of time and follows all food safety standards l Completes daily temperature logs l Must know methods of food preparation cooking times and portion sizes to ensure food is prepared in prescribed manner l Evaluates food quality and preparedness by tasting l Cuts trims bones and carves meats and poultry for cooking l Responsible for using correct portions when cutting preparing and serving items Please send your resume to greatmongolianbbq(at) 22709 Lougheed Hwy. Unit 460 Maple Ridge BC Canada V2X 0T5



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