Wood Stove Fisher Grampa Bear 111 REDUCED

Certainly an oldie but indeed a goodie as today s foundries simply cannot afford to build them like this anymore. Barely ever used. For real... 562 lbs of 5 16 cold rolled boiler plate steel and a super thick dense cast iron doors make the Grampa Fisher 111 GU36133 and made in 1979 by Gullickson for Fisher not only well sought after but also very collectable. This wood stove is in marvelous condition and ready to be put to use. All 26 fire bricks have just been replaced. Standard 8 vertical flue collar and comes with the optional fire screen. This stove is perfect and needs nothing. Properly cared for it will last generations. The renowned step design results in added heat and efficiency cooking . Easily accepts 24 logs and efficiently burns them for all night burns. This Grampa Fisher 111 stands alone as a real QUALITY piece of craftsmanship that easily heats 1750-2250 SQ FT. She measures 30 W x 32 D including the hearth shelf x 31.5 H at the highest step. The foot print is 30 x 26 . This wood stove is a rare find and priced less than 1 3 E-Bay starting prices. And .it will easily pay for itself in a month or two and thus a wise investment at only 825.00. No texts [my phone is as old as I am].



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