Family and Criminal Attorney

I handle divorces child custody child support modifications of child support and child custody paternity relocation and many more. Below I have listed all of the types of cases I handle in detail. I also practice criminal law. If you or a loved one has been arrested and charged with ANY crime my law firm can help you out. We ve handled thousands of criminal cases. Our prices are very REASONABLE and we do payment plans if that s more convenient for you. We can meet at my office or speak on the phone whatever works best. Please give us a call at the number listed. We d be happy to help you out with your case Alimony Spousal Support Alimony is money paid by one spouse to the other after their divorce is finalized. Both spouses can agree on it in their Marital Settlement Agreement or it can be awarded by court order. At Smith & Eulo Law Firm we are experienced with identifying which of the different types of alimony is the best option for our client and advocating for its award. Child Custody Timesharing and Parental Rights In Florida we have stopped using the term child custody and instead use the term timesharing. By law the parties to a dissolution of marriage or paternity action must develop a parenting plan for all of the children involved. In the parenting plan the parents must address how they will make both major and minor day-to-day decisions regarding raising their child(ren). The parenting plan also outlines the regular holiday and school break schedules. A parenting plan should be carefully considered because it dictates how the parents will share time with their child(ren) for years after their divorce is finalized and it is very difficult to modify once it is approved by the court. At Smith & Eulo Law Firm we can help you create a specialized parenting plan and timesharing schedule that fits your unique situation and family. Child Support Child Support is determined by statutory guidelines and is based on both parents net incomes the number of overnights spent with the child(ren) and the cost of health insurance and day care. Calculating child support can get complicated and there is a likelihood of arriving at the wrong amount. At Smith & Eulo Law Firm we use our understanding of income allowable deductions and knowledge of insurance and other expenses to determine the suitable amount of child support for your family. Divorce Dissolution A divorce or dissolution is the legal termination of a marriage. A divorce is contested when all of the issues necessary to legally end the marriage have not been resolved. At Smith & Eulo Law Firm we can work with you to resolve all of your issues through the use of the Collaborative Process Mediation or any alternative method personalized to you. Domestic Violence Injunction A domestic violence injunction is also known as a restraining order. Being served with a domestic violence injunction has serious potential ramifications and its violation can lead to jail time if the other party can prove that allegation. If you re in a situation where you need a domestic violence injunction in order to protect yourself and your family you cannot afford to do it incorrectly. At Smith & Eulo Law Firm we can help you in defending an injunction petition or in properly obtaining an injunction for protection. Enforcement At Smith & Eulo Law Firm we can petition the court for enforcement on your behalf if the other parent of your minor child(ren) fails to make court-ordered child support payments or interferes with your visitation. We can also petition for enforcement of your out-of-state final divorce decrees under the Florida statutes if you or your spouse has moved to Florida since the final decree. Modification Modifications come into effect after a finalized divorce. In order to seek a successful modification of any agreement finalized in a divorce there needs to have been a substantial change in circumstances. At Smith & Eulo Law Firm we can look at your family s new situation and advocate for a modification on your behalf. Paternity Paternity Tests In cases where the father of a child is not married to the mother or the father has not signed the child s birth certificate establishing paternity can be a little tricky. Paternity actions are essential to establish the paternity of a child conclusively in the eyes of the law. At Smith & Eulo Law Firm we can help you establish paternity of your child so that you can enjoy the rights and responsibilities of being in their life. Post-Nuptial Agreement A post-nuptial agreement is one that is entered into by a married couple which changes the distribution of assets or debts of a divorce or some other event. At Smith & Eulo Law Firm we can help you enter into an effective post-nuptial agreement that would allow you to feel financially secure enough to focus on the more important aspects of your marriage. Pre-Nuptial Agreement A pre-nuptial agreement is one that is entered into prior to marriage and can provide a couple with peace of mind in the event that a marriage unfortunately ends. Pre-nuptial agreements are very particular in that they must be entered into with full disclosure and must meet other specific criteria in order to be enforceable. At Smith & Eulo Law Firm we understand how sensitive the matter of entering into a pre-nuptial agreement is. We will cater to your particular needs and concerns and make sure to draft an agreement that will be legally enforceable. Relocation If you have minor children and have a timesharing schedule parenting plan in place there are laws that govern just how far away you may move the minor children from their current residence. To relocate you must either obtain a court order or a written agreement from the other parent agreeing to the move. Failure to go either of these routes can result in contempt charges. Whether you are the parent looking to relocate or being asked to agree to a relocation Smith & Eulo Law Firm can help you understand the procedures required in relocation.



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