Professional Grooming Training Boarding and Daycare

Fido s Haven of Rochester is a full service one-stop facility that will cater to your pet s grooming boarding training and daycare needs.We will provide the highest level of customer service possible to all guests and your beloved pets. Our love and compassion for animals will be reflected in our daily work as Fido enjoys our pampering services. Working together as a team we hope to create a happy healthy and fun environment for your best friends time away from home.Grooming Services include Pamper My Puppy (up to 5 months of age) Invigorating Bath Plus Pamper My Pooch Package Pamper My Pooch Upgrades.Boarding options include Daytime Boarding (Weekdays & Weekends) Overnight Boarding (up to 15 hours) and 24-hour Boarding.Training options include Puppy Necessities Adult Canine Basics Intermediate Advanced Canine Learning and Gentle Rehab for Rescues.Daycare can be purchased for full day or half day sessions. Packages are available.Please call our Grooming Salon at (585) 865-6040 to schedule an appointment for your companion.For Training Daycare and Boarding Services please call Chris at (585) 355-2087.



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