Peachy Clean Calgary Eco-friendly

We are an eco-friendly cleaning company looking to expand our clientele anywhere in Calgary and the surrounding areas. Such as Airdrie Okatokes Strathmore and Langdon. etc. We are available for weekly biweekly monthly one time and move in out appointments. We charge 30.00 an hour and this includes Bathroom scrubbing bathroom shower clean toilet (inside and out all around and behind) clean and polish sink and cabnits clean and polish mirror polish all stainless steel dust surfaces fold towels empty garbage vacuum and wash floors. Kitchen scrub and polish sink wash all cupboard doors and handles clean all counters (under and behind items on counter) clean and polish small and large appliances) polish all stainless steel dust surfaces clean dining table and chairs empty garbage vacuum and mop floors. All other rooms dust all surfaces including under and behind items straighten pillows and blankets (make beds) light organizing clean and polish mirrors polish stainless steel empty all garbage vacuum and mop floors. We charge an extra 20.00 fee per each of the following tasks Clean windows clean baseboards wash walls clean and dust blinds clean inside of the oven laundry ( wash dry and put away) Inside cupboards. Within the 30.00 hour fee we include a free estimate travel fees and our own eco-friendly cleaning supplies. New clients receive their first 2 cleans at a discounted rate of 25.00 hour plus 1 free extra service of their choice. To schedule an appointment please contact me at 403-554-2618 or my Assistant at 403-701-6455 or email us at peachycleancalgary403(at) we look forward to speaking with you



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