Independent Sales Professional

Wells Bookkeeping & Tax (WB& T).It starts with Bookkeeping & Ends with the IRS WB& T is looking for dynamic highly motivated sales people. As an Independent Sales Professional you will be pitching and selling Wells Bookkeeping & Tax (WB& T) services under an Independent Sales Professional agreement. This is an independent contractor position and is not eligible for company benefits. You have the flexibility to set your own hours and determine your own level of success. In your first year as an ISP you have the potential to make 25-45K and in your second year up to 50-60K. As you build your business up these numbers will keep going up We are currently seeking an Independent Sales Professionals to cover territories in Michigan Ohio Pennsylvania and Maryland Wells Bookkeeping & Tax (WB& T) offers A high base commission and other incentives Free marketing literature Qualified leads to get you in front of qualified prospects Technology support A supportive sales team The ideal professionals should have the ability to Run face-to-face meetings selling Wells Bookkeeping & Tax (WB& T) services Understand small and medium business pain points and sell them on how Wells Bookkeeping & Tax (WB& T) will help Locate new business owners through social media sources such as Yelp LinkedIn Twitter Facebook etc. use a computer fax phone with camera email and transportation to get to meetings. Maintain High ethical standards while being dedicated honest and have a proven ability to multi-task No criminal background Get results be a results-oriented personality with a positive attitude and approach Must obtain an EIN or sole proprietorship status. At the least you must Have the gift of gab with the confidence to talk to anyone. Be self-motivated reliable ethical honest and independent. Cell Phone with camera computer and printer (Private home office). Have the ability to maintain privacy of information. Have a reliable form of transportation to get daily appointments Be able to obtain EIN or Independent Status No criminal background Preferred Highly competitive Individuals Ethical Individuals Bachelor s degree or equivalent experience B2B outside sales experience Job Type Full-time Required experience Customer Service 2 years Required license or certification Drivers License Required education High school or equivalent



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