Fully Restored 1989 Chevy Suburban

Immaculate restore job on this 1989 SUB I m the 2nd owner this has been my 15 year project and now she s done.INTERIOR New carpets seats door panels head liner floor boards and door panels are %100 dynamat sound sealed.EXTERIOR New paint redone in original color scheme (black with gun metal pin stripe and red accents) ALL SIX doors are new fenders as well New chrome bumpers and grill. Chrome side steps and chrome rockers. ENGINE GM GoodWrench 350 crate engine all parts under the hood have been replaced.WHEELS TIRES New BFG All-Terrain T As on chrome 6 lug 16 rally wheels The truck runs beautifully new battery 3 exhaust no rust its a real show piece Serious Inquiries may contact me at abny time text or call show contact info thanks kyle



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