Kratom Plants (Mitragyna Speciosa)

PLEASE NOTE... This is NOT Illegal nor a controlled substance in Florida People failing to do proper research have flagged my ad by mistake for removal. Please before you flag check the laws Rooted kratom plants. NOTE These are NOT just cuttings they are rooted plants. I have several ready for shipping. They will be about 4 to 8 inches tall and will be rooted. These are healthy klones of my red vein tree. I cut and start these each by hand. Pictures available upon request.The pictures are of but some of my successfully rooted plants. The one you receive will be very similar. Price 39.00 each Shipping and packaging cost is 15.00 for the first plant and 5.00 for the second plant if purchased and shipped at the same time. Also check the web for northfloridakratom kenwalker71(at) or text at 352-231-6856



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