1971 Corvette C3 LT-1 Coupe

1971 LT-1 T-Top 350CID 330HP (code CGZ) Dontov cam with solid lifters Muncie M-21 close ratio 4 speed posi-traction with 3.70 gears All matching numbers Electronic Tuned Port Injection with digital control Mallory Electronic Ignition with electronic point distributor hooker four tube equal length aluminized headers with turbo mufflers crower roller rocker arms (high lift 1.6 1 ratio) Fiberglass mono-leaf rear spring nitrogen filled shocks new master cylinder new Vette brake calipers with (SST inserts & optional o-rings) new brake pads oversized front sway bar with polyurethane bushings optional 454 rear sway bar with polyurethane bushings electric radiator fan with automatic temperature control Mobil 1 synthetic oil in the engine Mobil Delsyn synthetic oil in 4 speed transmission All original components will go with car sale. Always garaged never driven in winter never in accident



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