Spanish English classes Tucson AZ

I am an experienced teacher offering Spanish English classes in east Tucson. From beginner to advanced my classes stress the development of conversation the primary aspect of learning any language. My programs are adaptable to any situation -- work pleasure travel career enhancement. I am able to adapt any aspect of the program to meet your particular needs. I work with all age groups. My extensive background in teaching tutoring and program development within the confines of business and government give me the requisite skills to ensure that your language learning experience is both positive and successful. I offer several manners of teaching Small groups of 4 to 6 persons where I charge 20 per person per class or 1 to 1 private instruction where I charge 40 per class. Each class lasts two hours and includes all necessary materials. Normally each class meets once per week but that depends upon the needs and wishes of the students. My schedule of classes is now forming to begin in October. The time and the place is flexible as I try to conveniently accommodate all students. If you want to learn with friends colleagues please feel free to form your own group. My name in James. Please get in touch with me by email jwsinalicante(at) or by telephone or text at 414-915-1931. Let s find out what your language needs are. If you are already studying Spanish or English and just need a little extra help I am also available for private tutoring.



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