GEO OMNI MotherJones Cosmo ScientificAmerican

GEO 40 - (10) issues from v2 1980 through v3 1981 and (1) Collectors Edition. One copy each issue. Overall excellent condition. No scratches or fading. Not mint. Wide range of unique topics and peoples around the world with award winning photography. Will sell single issues 5 each. Price negotiable. Publisher Gruner & Jahr USA (1980) MotherJones 50 - (12) issues from 1980 through 1981. Excellent condition. Award-winning national magazine widely respected for its groundbreaking investigative reporting and coverage of sustainability and environmental issues. (415) 321-1700 Cosmopolitan 7 - 1969 Excellent condition with exception of slight crease on corner. Scientific American 15 - 1969 Excellent condition with exception of slight marring on corner. This is large thick issue with approx 250 pages. Some of the articles inside are The ocean the origin of the oceans the atmosphere and the ocean the continental shelves the deep-ocean floor the nature of oceanic life the physical resources of the ocean the food resources of the ocean technology and the ocean the ocean and man.



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