Best Redwood Wide Sun Chaise Lounge

Chaise Lounger specifications Model Sun Size Wide Wood B grade Finish 1910 -M Mahogany With Arms Wheels and Sliding Table Cushions None Service Standard Service Payment 100% Chaise Lounger Best Redwood offers three models of Chaise Lounges called Sun Beach and Summer ergonomically designed for comfort. Our chaise lounges are excellent for relax and recreation chaise lounger is a great addition for any garden terrace beach front or near a pool. Chaise Lounger Features Available in three models (Sun Summer and Beach) Different sizes single wide and double. Optional chaise lounge cushion. Reclining back seat (four positions). Optional wheels and arms. Optional sliding table or snack tray 4 Different finishes (1905 1910 1910-M and NO stain) Custom Made At Best Redwood we provide the best wood quality to guarantee our products up to 5 years Sun Lounge Perfect for people who like extra space while enjoying the Sun reading or having a quiet time. A perfect spot while vacationing at the beach laying at the backyard patio terrace or anywhere you want to relax and enjoy the sunshine. Available in single wide and double. You can have optional wheels installed for easy moving. Beach Lounge The classic chaise lounge can be requested a slide table hidden under the seat very convenient to place drinks or magazine storage. You can have wheels installed upon ordering. It is very easy to assemble. Available in single wide and double size. Summer Lounge A great asset in any garden terrace or beach front setup. It can be customized with wheels for easy move hidden sliding table to place books drinks or magazines. Sizes available are single wide and double. Very easy to assemble. Chaise lounge cushions Handmade custom cushions will add comfort and style to your chaise lounge. If you want add it to your order let us know the type of fabric of your choice during the checklist at the moment of your purchase. Cutting flash techniques are used during production process creating a line along the borders that looks modern and versatile in our designs. Backrest settings Our Chase Lounge can be set on four different backrest positions for your comfort and relaxation (horizontal 30 60 and 80 degrees). Wheels and sliding table Thinking on your convenience we can add an optional set of wheels on your chaise lounge. Imagine moving the backrest side up to have the wheels fall allowing for an easy moving. Sliding table option is available as well to place drinks or magazines with a choice to the left or the right hand side. These customizations can be specified when you place your order. Wood Grades Options Clear all Heart It is called Redwood Resistance for its endurance against different climates and weather exposure.. Is the Finest architectural redwood grade. Clear all heart degree characteristics Contains only heart s wood of the tree. It s free of all defects on one face. The reverse face is allowed slight natural wood imperfections. B Grade B grade degree characteristics Quality grade. Contains sapwood. Limited knots. And other characteristics not permitted in Clear all heart. Stained Finish Options We offer four tones of our Transparent Premium sealant these allows the wood grain to look great while preserving the natural view.



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