Long-term Part-Time HOUSEKEEPER POSITION at a Private Residence. Available to start now. 4 Hours Morning 7 30 AM - 11 30 AM on any 2-3 mornings of the work week preferably Tuesdays & or Wednesdays and Fridays. Pay depends upon your work habits skill and efficiency. Hourly pay is up to 13.00 hr. after training commensurate with your performance. We are a health-minded married couple with no children at home and no pets. Our home is a 2 000 sq. ft. basement rancher. We live on a mini-farm in the country and simply need some help. DUTIES Various Regular Housework Deep Cleaning Ironing Vegetarian Food Prep Car Washing etc. There are over 60 rotating tasks that the Housekeeper is responsible for. All tools and natural cleaning supplies are provided. REQUIREMENTS -Female only who does not smoke cigarettes and with no drug or alcohol addiction. -Must have your own dependable vehicle. -Available to work at requested hours. -Live within a 30-minute drive to our home in Walland in eastern Blount County which is 2 miles east of Heritage High School & 1 mile south of Hwy. 321. To determine this go on Google Maps and get directions from your home address to Rivermill Antique Mall s address (4618 E. Lamar Alexander Pkwy Walland TN. 37886) which is just 5 min. north of us. If you are interested and meet the qualifications please click on reply above and let me know what requirements you have along with your name telephone number and the best time to reach you for a telephone interview. I will answer all your questions also. If you and the job are a good match we will schedule an in-person interview. Thank you very much for responding.



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