NW Location 2Bdr 1bth Dalhousie (Dalgetty Dr)

Espacious 2 stories Apaprtment 2 bd rooms 1 bathroom. Wood simulated linoleum in social area upstairs (very easy to clean) and carpet in room area. A big closet for coats and boots. Well maintained. The actual tenant is non smoker and no pets. 1 parking stall walking distance to LRT Dalhousie station and several bus stop. Just 15 min from Down Town. Very close walking distance to Canadian Tire CO-OP Safeway Banks Walmart Northland Mall GoodLife Fitness Library Fitness and Swimmin center among some other amenities. very Close and a walking distance to diverse schools. Some furniture may be included if you wish such as beds and a love seat. The Price include all services (water electricity heat and parking stall). No pets. Children Welcome. Phone 403 9980620



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