Sales Professionals - Telecommute

International Health and Wellness company is expanding expeditiously and moving swiftly to fill our PT FT positions. In business over 30 years over a billion dollars in annual sales we are looking for driven individuals to join our team. We provide full training with one on one mentoring as well as in our team environment. We will teach you the skills you need for Marketing Sales Customer Service Leadership and Management. We work flexible hours allowing you to work around a family schedule as well as the benefit of working from anywhere with an internet connection. Candidates must have excellent communication skills ability to work independently as well as with the team. Ideal individuals must be friendly outgoing and have a positive attitude. Be trainable and coachable - always willing to take direction. Commission based plus bonuses and incentives that create great residual income. Excellent Career building opportunity. Qualified candidates who are extremely motivated and excited to commit to our teams success please reply with your resume.



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