4 story 5 bedroom4 bath fully remodeled lake and Mountain view c

Must sell I spent over 100 000 remodeling and it appraised for 380 000 I hate to self burn it must have to sell fast. I am asking 240 000 and will call. This is a gorgius 4 story 5 bedroom 4 bathroom over 4 200 square foot. Granite stone counter tops fully remodeled house in clay in steeple chase in the upper scale crest area of steeple chase for sale. This house would be a huge investment & I Hate to sell. Please text me it s about the house & I ll call you right back so I can screen out solicitors. Please text 205-370-1043 it s about house or leave a message & I ll call you back. Or email my son at jonfrost21(at)aol.com



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