Brookwood Estates - February - 1 Bedroom - 1225

3 Rooms 1 Bedroom 1 Bath - Renting for 1225 One Year Lease Security Deposit - 1 1 2 months Heat & Hot Water Included Large Spacious Rooms Wall-to-Wall Carpet Sound Insulated Windows Balcony Deck or Patio Limited Basement Storage Units Select Renovated Apartments Include Microwave Dishwasher Renovated Kitchens w New Appliances Renovated Bathrooms Customized Closets Wall-Mounted Air-Conditioning Unit Professionally Landscaped Grounds On-Site Laundry Facilities On-Site Resident Manager 24 Hour Emergency Service PARKING Outdoor Parking Included TRANSPORTATION & COMMUTING INFORMATION Near to Your Choices of Beaches Near to Quaint Downtown Atlantic Highlands Commute to NYC via the Sea Streak Ferry Near Routes GSP 35 36 Garden State Pkwy Exit 117 Income & Credit Requirements For details & an appointments please call 732-291-4502 Affiliated Management Inc.



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