2000 Porsche 911

For more pictures email at joanvayner(at)netzero.net . 2000 PORSCHE 911 996 Rennegade Hybrids conversion V8 Car has a 2013 LS3 hot cammed 480 HP V8 brand new from cheverolet a freshly rebuilt transmission with a new second gear and all updates from GBOX. Both engine and transmission have 2970 miles on them. Part of the conversion gives the car electric hydraulic power steering (which is awesome) and also an electric inline water pump. Car weighs the same and handles as it should.Its in great shape.Carbon fiber wrapped hood and trunk. new headlights ( 1100.00) New GT3 front bumper car is awesome and very very quick. Engine has a two year 50 000 mile warranty. OBD port makes it easy to tune up and oil changes are cheap. All the reliability and power of these newer cars with the handling and braking of a PORSCHE plus good looks. Under 500 to get brand new AC up and running. I just moved and i don t have a place to work on it but i can explain it to you VERY EASY.



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