1970 Chevrolet Chevelle

Passing Lane Motors LLC St. Louis s Premier Classic Car Dealer is pleased to offer this 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle LS5 for sale Highlights of this 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle LS5 Include Real LS5 454 V8 Engine Turbo 400 Automatic Transmission Cowl Hood Power Steering Power Brakes 12 Bolt Rear End w 2.73 1 gears Repainted Correct Color - Autumn Gold Visit our website for more photos videos and information passinglanemotors.com Call us at 636-600-1140 for more info or stop by our showroom at 514 Mae Court Fenton MO 63026 to check out this 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle LS5 for sale in person. All vehicles sold AS IS. No mileage is stated actual just what is shown on odometer.



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