4th of July Virginia Beach Vacation

Enjoy a wonderful week on the beautiful Virgina Beach. This location is perfectly placed with your private balcony overlooking the ocean front and boardwalk. Fireworks are directly out from your balcony. If you are interested go on theboardwalkresort.com for a virtual view the complex. More information is listed below July 3 9 2016 Boardwalk Resort 7 nights & 8 days for 1800 (Can t beat it ) Beachfront 8th floor (perfectly located) Beautiful suite sleeps 6 (one bedroom & 2 fold out sofa s) Balcony overlooking the ocean and boardwalk Fully supplied kitchen with breakfast nook (seats 6) Linens & towels provided just take your family & enjoy Indoor pool and hot tub Workout room overlooking the ocean High security Amphitheatre alongside the resort enjoyable bands perform nightly Enjoy Beach Street nightly performances on every other block corner Eateries within walking distance Malls within short drive Miniature golf and carnival across street Perfect atmosphere for children and family To view more about Boardwalk Resort visit theboardwalkresort.com If interested contact LuAnne Baker at 724-254-2386



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