Knobs andHandles Ceramic Knobs Ceramic bulb shaped Knob

Nature has provided us with a wide variety of choices in respect to living beings and smallest minute particle such as micro organisms. Every living being need a different habitat to survive .Some plants live on the ground while some live in water. Some are herbivorous animals while some are carnivorous animals .Herbivorous animals survive on plants while carnivorous animal hunt for food Some live for hundreds of years while there are a few who also live for a day. Nature has gifted us with a lot of plants and vegetables that are eaten they are a few we consume while there are a few which are poisonous and hence they are not eaten in the daily diet .There are also a few living organisms which live in water and survive on the plants or microorganisms that live or grow underwater. Ponds lakes or seas are the home to different species of fishes big or small .The small fishes eat the small creature living in water the big fishes eat the smaller fish for food so is the law of jungle .Fishes are calm and composed animals and considered as good fortune when kept in the house offices and the reception area. Fishes are the most important food of the people living near the coastal areas .It is the most important source of vitamin e and the most importantly a rich source of cod liver oil which is known to have curative properties .The ceramic knob is coloured with beige colour in the base tone with fishes coloured in red and white spots on them in four directions with the tail in black colour and the planters are placed in the same directions like that of the fishes .IT seems like a muddy water that is home to these fishes .The plants are in the form of three leaves with a stem .The knobs are the perfect choice to give grip and hold to open the drawers cabinets or wardrobes with a traditional or contemporary interiors. The size of the bolt can be trimmed according to requirement or the thickness of the drawer. 33 Sundar nagar New Delhi India Pin Code 110003 Mobile No. - 9811985090 Email Id shalu.indianshelf(at) Website s



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