Fiberglass Hindu Goddess Statues Manufacturer and Exporter in In

Glasspoll Art India has been engaged in manufacturing supplying and exporting of Paintings Religious Sculptures fiberglass Sculptures Garden Fountain Wall Hanging Statues and Home Decor Products which are totally made by fiberglass since 2002 in kolkata. Our production unit is fully well equipped with sculptor efficient painters highly skilled workers & computer professionals. Recently we have exported Hindu Goddes which have been published daily leading Newspapers in India as well as also in some reputed TV Channels. Apart from that the demand of our products is very high and received the great response in West Bengal Govt Delhi Rajasthan Assam and other States. Our main goal is to spread our business in abroad where our Indian Products demand his very rich especially in the international market. Visit our website or call us 9831583007 for order.



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