Ansal Esencia Sector-67

Available For Sale Ansal Esencia 3BHK Area 1500 first floor Ready To move Price For Call 9811541651 Located in Premium Sector 67 Gurgaon. Ground Floor basement (2491sq.ft.) with landscaped lawn. First Second Floor (1394 sq.ft). Second Floor with landscaped terrace lawn. Option of 3 4 BHK Premium Floors. Almirahs in all Bedrooms. Airconditioned Floors with 6 KVA power back. Fully Furnished modular kitchen with Chimney & Hobb. Sensor controlled lighting system. 6 KVA genset power backup. Security systems with video phones and burglar alarm. Video phones on Main door & Sensor lights in living room In vicinity of three life-size theme park. Bathrooms fitted with Gysers Exhaust & Glass Partition. Almirahs in all Bedrooms. Air-conditioninf with 6 KV power backup Fully Furnished Modular Kitchen Sensor controlled lighting system. 6 KVA genset power backup. Video phones and burglar alarm. Video phones on Main door Sensor lights in living room In vicinity of three life-size theme park. Equipped Club Children Play area (Tot - Lots) Park (Hyde & H2O) Shopping Complex Esencia offers you Villas - Homes where you can sense pleasure peace and the delight of green and comfortable surrounding with exclusive feature. are available in varius. Alba Floors at Esencia offers you 3 Bhk n 4 Bhk independent premium Floors ranging from 251 Sq.Yds to 478 Sq.Yds Ansal Esencia - The Homes where you can sense pleasure peace and the delight of green and comfortable surrounding with some of the exclusive features like Air conditioners of BEE Rating 1.5KV in Living room and 1KV in Bedrooms Bedroom with Complete Wood work Landscape Garden on Terrace and a lot of other features and admirable amenities. Floors at Esencia are available in 3BR 4BR size which in itself is a mark of stylish luxury independent floors. Esencia has a lifestyle for everyone who wants to be a part of this Green evolution. All the apartments within the mid segment Sovereign Floors and the large duplex Royal Floors shall incorporate the recommendations from ADaRSH and will have been rated under GRIHA. For those who are looking for an independent floor apartments the homes at Alba South is just what the doctor ordered. With a heavy emphasis on green living and use of renewable sources of energy the enviable facilities and the various green zones Esencia is the right place to bring up your children. Rest assured you shall be residing in the greenest apartments in the NCR. Named after a beautifully sculptured ornamental tree with narrow elongated green leaves found abundantly in this part of the township Alba with its abundant greenery is ideal for your dream home. You can chose from a wide variety of housing options from Soveriegn Floor Homes measuring 210 Sq. Yds to 478 Sq.Yds. Along with the abundance of green spaces like Hyde Park Eco Grove and Tranquil Grove Alba is also equipped with important amenities like a Creche Nursery School and Primary school along with place allocated for a religious building.



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