Welding General labourers wanted immediately

Currently hiring for autobody repairmen and restoration labourers for our clients in Toronto and Brampton. Work is fulltime long term hourly wages between 13-15 per hour based on experience.Duties Responsibilities include but not limited to - Welding and soldering replacement parts Metal cutting- replace front end components body components doors and frames underbody components- file grind and sand body surfaces to be repaired- mask and repaint car bodies- hammer out dents buckles and defects using blocks and hammers- remove damaged fenders panels and grills- complete rust repairs- polish painted finishes- repair or replace interior components- test drive vehicles for proper handlingAll applicants to register and apply in person at our office. Reply to ad with full detailed resume. Experience of at least 2 to 5 years is a must. Hourly wages will be negotiable based on experience.



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