Americas Best Inn- Quality stay for a reasonable price.

Clean. Comfortable. Secure. Efficient. We here at America s Best Inn want to help you and your loved ones feel as at-home as possible when you re on the road. Come experience our warm inviting family-oriented and pet-friendly environment at a reasonable price. (Ask about our special construction AARP AAA and Military discount promotional rating.) Our Amenities include Convenient location near many local establishments Complimentary breakfast including freshly-made waffles hard-boiled eggs various juices and much more High-speed internet Wi-fi Cable t.v. Heated swimming pool Hot tub Free copy & fax services On site laundry facility Any-Time Fitness gym access Camper hook-up in rear lot Located near ATV Snowmobile trails Mention our 5.00 off promotion and which online site you received our information from and we ll deduct 5.00 from your room rate on your next stay



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