Towne MewsAllentown NJ - 1 Bedrooms - 950 Incentives

3.5 rooms 1 bedroom apartments - Ready Now - Renting for 950 a month. Half off 1st Month s RentSecurity Deposit 1 MonthOne year leaseSound Insulated Windows Wall-to-Wall Carpet Patio or Balcony Select Renovated Apartments Include Microwave & Dishwasher Renovated Kitchens w New Appliances Renovated Bathrooms Customized Closets Wall-Mounted Air-Conditioning Unit Professionally Landscaped Grounds On-Site Laundry Facilities On-Site Resident Manager On-Site Rental Office 24 Hour Emergency Service --------------------------------------------- -----------------PARKING Unreserved Outdoor ParkingTRANSPORTATION & COMMUTING INFORMATION Quiet Park-Like Setting Moments from Main Street Allentown Near Routes NJ TurnpikeNo PetsIncome & Credit RequirementsTo schedule an appointment please call 609-259-2037.Affiliated Management



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