Just email me at sherlenesggregan(at)ukspecialists.com . 1970 PONTIAC GTO CONVERTIBLE REAL FACTORY CODE 75 CARDINAL RED 1970 Pontiac GTO Convertible Correct Code 75 Cardinal Red with Black top and interior.Originaly came with a WT 400 that has been replaced with a Correct WA code 455c.i. 370hp HO engine (casting 9799140) 4-bolt main M21 4-spd close ratio transmission with Hurst shifter Safe-T-track 12-bolt rear axle 3 31 posi-traction with rear sway bar Bucket seats with console AM FM radio Tilt wheel Power steering Power disc brakes Power conv. top Remote trunk release and light Gauge pkg Lighting group Rally wheels Remote mirror HD radiator Soft Ray glass Frame-on restored PHS documentation Runs and drives as good as it looks. Being sold as is no warranty



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