No City Traffic. BARGAIN Park Model. 2500 OBO

866-300-5978 Amazing Park Model For Sale over looking the beautiful mountains where wildlife is abundant you can hear the quiet and minutes to town if you are needing groceries doctors and more. LARGE double carport and shaded patio for outdoor entertaining. 866-300-5978 Very quiet location off the beaten path stunning mountain views shining stars on clear nights and a wonderful friendly 55 and over Age Qualifying Park. Rest assured that all residents have passed a background check and all potential residents must also to park qualify. We participate in a crime free program have active social events horseshoes trips potlucks and much more. Home is a one bedroom one bath with an area that can be set up as an office area. Fantastic storage in the home beautiful tiled bath hardwood floors and clean as can be. Hurry this lil gem will go fast. Home to remain in the park. > > > > > 2500 or Best Offer.< < < < < MAKE A BEST CASH OFFER Park Model has large storage shed large oversized carport and turnkey ready for move in. Call Bob to see home and tour the community. Newhaven Estates formerly known as Wickiup Mobile Home and RV Park. 2015 E Old West Highway 3 Apache Junction AZ 85119 866-300-5978



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