AKC Champion Labrador Puppies

Both parents hips and elbows have been certified we have the sire and dam on site. We will perform early neurological stimulation with all of our puppies which enhances there all around capabilities within their individuality. Their puppies will make great field dogs hunters pets and they have master hunters senior hunters field champions and national field champions. All puppies will be guaranteed against (1)This puppy will be guaranteed against hip dysplasia provided that the pup is checked by a competent agency or veterinarian. Must also be evaluated by O.F.A. by the time he or she reaches 26 months of age.(2)Dog must be returned or spayed neutered if the buyer wishes to keep the dog. We will provide a replacement if we are provided with proof of the spay neuter or the buyer returns the dog.(3)We will also guarantee against retinal atrophy epilepsy and PRA until they are 1 year old. Will give a replacement if these occur by then.(4)These are limited dogs and if they are bred this guarantee is void. We must be informed on all these issues immediately in order for a replacement . All puppies have had their first shot and have been wormed 3 times. Chloe had 6 females and 5 males. The pups will be able to be picked when they are 8 weeks old and will be picked in order of when the deposit is received for each sex. Females should weigh around 60-70 lbs and males 70-80lbs these puppies will be sold on limited registration. (Black puppies are 700.00 and Chocolate puppies are 800.00) If you have any questions about our puppies such as the parents pedigree pictures or anything else feel free to contact us at 336-985-6563 leave a message please if we are unable to answer or send an email to us at cljlabradors(at)hotmail.com serious inquiries only. Ready to go March 26.



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