SNAP-ON SMILE&trade Beautiful Smiles Without Shots or Drilling

We are pleased to offer an alternative to veneers and other cosmetic procedures. It s called Snap-On Smile . Let s say for whatever reason you re not ready for a cosmetic makeover but you do want a nice smile at a very affordable price. Snap-On Smile might be right for you. There is no tooth preparation required no adhesives and no drilling or shots either. The appliance simply fits over your teeth. It s easily removable and can even be worn while eating. Snap-On Smile can last for years but is affordable enough to be a temporary solution.Regain your confidence. The Snap-On Smile is a great solution for patients with misaligned cracked stained or missing teeth. As the name implies these are teeth made of strong resin that just fit right onto your existing teeth instantly giving you a smile that is brighter straighter and more youthful look. This affordable process requires only two visits to the dentist office and is totally painless there is no need for shots drilling or grinding. If you want that perfect Hollywood smile without the expense or irreversible effects of traditional procedures then you are the ideal candidate for Snap-On Smile.Snap-On Smile is easy to wear and easy to use. Simply snap it in when you want to wear it. The fit is so secure that you can even eat while wearing it. You will need to remove it for brushing flossing and other dental hygiene needs. We recommends brushing twice a day and flossing once a day for the best results.Our patients tell us that they are impressed by the natural look and feel of Snap-On Smile. We think you will be too Call us for your free consultation today 212-888-2764



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