Assisted Living Manager

Needed for 8 bed Small Type B Home. Individuals have developmental disabilities as well as medical needs.Responsible for the implementation and coordination of client-centered Individual Treatment Plans--ITPs. The ITP will help residents achieve their potential for independence productivity and inclusion in the community. Responsibilities include coordination of all support services to meet routine and emergency needs of the client and for supervising direct care staff. Must be on duty 40 hours per week and manage the group home. In the absence of the Assisted Living Manager a Case Manager is authorized to act as Assisted Living Manager. 1. Ensures the timely implementation of the client s ITP to include objective writing and methods staff training on how to provide needed training materials collect and review data and make program changes as needed as prescribed by regulations. a. Conducts interdisciplinary team meetings as needed including written documentation in a timely manner. b. Submits treatment plans as assigned. c. Identifies client problems areas and requests IDT meetings to address problem areas needed. 2. Administers and coordinates services from contractors vendors and schools involved in client programming including but not limited to health care professional behavior consultants teachers and job placement organizations. a. Coordinates and follows up with IDT and other departments i.e. Maintenance Finance. b. Maintains contact and attends meetings with consultants i.e. psychiatrist psychologist behavioral specialist dietitians group therapist etc. c. Provides communications between caseworkers families DHS etc. d. Conduct quarterly reviews on all clients. e. Participates in Human Rights Committee Surrogate Decision Making and IDT meetings as required or needed. 3. Reviews and monitors incidents restraints PRNs client injuries data collection etc. 4. Responsible for therapeutic passes if applicable. 5. Prepares and ensures the timely and accurate completion of ICAPs and MRRs if applicable. 6. Assists clients in resolving interpersonal conflicts. 7. Ensures that all residential homes are prepared for all surveys inspections and reviews. Homes are survey-ready at all times. 8. Prepares and requests weekly petty cash for residential homes. Also responsible for collecting receipts balancing the petty cash and or forms receipts and remaining cash to Finance each week. 9. Assists or directs team leaders to ensure adequate staff coverage in the home ensures client-staff ratios are met checks on overnight staff as scheduled. 10. Supervise direct care staff--trainers and team leaders. Carries out supervisory responsibilities in accordance with the organization s policies and procedures and applicable laws and regulations. Responsibilities include training employees planning assigning and directing work addressing minor complaints and resolving problems and providing input on performance evaluations disciplinary actions etc. 11. Work flexible hours as needed i.e. evenings weekends rotating on-call and holidays. 12. Required to carrying a cell phone and or pager and respond accordingly. 13. Adheres to specific management competencies in order to be a successful manager. (See Attachment) Other duties may be assigned. High school graduate or equivalent. Associate s degree in nursing health care or related field. Bachelor s degree in related field preferred. One-two years of related experience. Hands-on working knowledge of Microsoft software i.e. Word Excel and office equipment i.e. copy and fax machine. Ability to work on multi-tasks. Experience working with disabled MR clients in a residential setting preferred. Must be able to demonstrate competence in certain areas of training i.e. CPR CPI First Aid Behavior Management Driving. Valid Texas Drivers license clear driving record. Background Check Drug Testing apply. 2 weeks required training (Monday-Friday)



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