Seeking for real .....

Are you a good communicator and willing to compromise if needed Do you like to laugh and have fun Do you enjoy a spontaneous slow dance in the kitchen Wouldn t you agree that doing things together - whether it be cooking volunteering home repairs yard work cuddling up to watch a movie traveling etc. is better with that special friend Do you appreciate a hug for no reason Does your stomach do a little flip when you share a knowing glance across the room Are you an encourager who enjoys building people up Are you someone who is open to new opportunities but also learns from the past Are you able to give and receive genuine compliments Are you easy to trust and slow to anger Do you enjoy your current life but would like a partner who makes you smile and add joy to your world Then we might be a good MATCH. We all have our boundaries and deserve a certain amount of privacy in life if you truly love someone then respecting these things should be easy. I am very honest so if you want to know something please ask. Email me if you like I m not on here much and also am not a full member on here am s a m a c o o k 5 (at) g m a i l . c o m thanks



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