Rocky Point Airport Car Service main office 7 am till 10.00 pm (631) -244-0074 after hours 631-374-0201 or (631)-459-9797 Airport Service and Long distance PROVIDING SERVICE TO THE FOLLOWING AIRPORTS JFK JOHN F KENNEDY INT. AIRPORT LGA NEW YORK LA GUARDIA ISP LONG ISLAND MAC ARTHUR AIRPORT EWR NEWARK INTERNATIONAL HPN PROVIDING AIRPORTS %10 PERCENT DISCOUNT ROUND TRIP FRG LONG ISLAND REPUBLIC AIRPORT HTO EASTHAMPTON AIRPORT FOK WESTHAMPTON AIRPORT TEB NEW JERSEY PROFESSIONAL- RELIABLE AIRPORT CAR AND LIMOUSINE SERVICE TO ALL AIRPORTS IN NEW YORK LONG ISLAND FROM ALL MAJOR HOTEL AND AIRPORT IN THE LONG ISLAND NYC AND SURROUNDING AREAS (HAMPTONS). OUR EXECUTIVE BLACK LINCOLN TOWNCAR AND SUV S AND STRETCH LIMOUSINES SERVICE TO NYC AND Rocky Point IS AVAILABLE 24 7 365 PROFESSIONAL LOCAL DRIVERS ARE ALWAYS PREPARED TO GET YOU TO YOUR DESTINATION ON SCHEDULE FOR THAT IMPORTANT APPOINTMENT OR BUSINESS MEETING. JFK LGA EWR ISP AIRPORTS AND MUCH MORE WE PROVIDE ON-TIME SERVICE AT THE BEST RATES OF THE INDUSTRY. (WE ALWAYS OFFER THE BEST CHEAPEST PRICE) Rocky Point Wine Limo Tours Rocky Point Tasting Tours Experience the Taste of L.I. with Rocky Point Limo Wine Tours Welcome join us for a Wine Tour on Long Island and taste the fine wine at some of our local vineyards located on the beautiful North Fork of Long Island NY. On Our Long Island Wine Tours you can sit back and enjoy complimentary champagne in any of our luxurious limousines. Visit LI Vineyards with our Tour and Let us guide you towards the perfect way to relax with others or just escape with a glass of fine wine. Our staff is available to plan your day from start to finish. Long Island limo Wine Tours will handle all transportation reservations admission at the wineries lunch and more...Perfect for Bachelor ette parties Birthdays Anniversaries Corporate Events Wine Enthusiasts or just for fun. Come taste a world of wine with Long Island limo Wine Tours. WEDDING and BACHELOR and BACHELORETTE From the moment you contact us to the return from your honeymoon expect to be treated like royalty. Rocky Point Limousine prides itself on owing its vehicles. This means that the limousine that you book for your special day will be the limousine that shows up on time and fully stocked. As the recommended house limousine company for some of Rocky Point premier catering halls we would be honored to treat you like royalty on your special day.Your wedding day is unique and deserves special attention that is why we recommend you contact one of our honest wedding representatives that can help create a tailored package to meet your needs and budget. Most wedding planning guides suggest that you plan your wedding transportation 3 to 6 months in advance Rocky Point Limousine suggests that you inquire with several limousine companies and make your decision once you find a reputable company that you feel comfortable with as well as finding the right limousine for your needs. If your wedding is during the busier months you should book your transportation at least 1 year ahead. Specializing in Rocky Point weddings enables us to ease the stress you may encounter on special day. When planning your transportation the key is good communication. At Rocky Point Limousine your wedding representative will be available to go through the packages offered and help you tailor a package that will fit your needs & budget. Once you book your wedding with Rocky Point Limousine a representative will contact you one week prior to your special day to confirm all of your details and go through your days schedule to help alleviate any questions you may have as to whether or not the limousine(s) will show up on time and at the right location. Once your limousines are booked you can sit back relax and leave the rest to Rocky Point Limousine. CORPORATE ACCOUNT CORPORATE LIMOUSINE SERVICES Rocky Point Limousine has strived to meet the needs of business travelers in New York Rocky Point and around the world with our executive limousine service. We offer corporate limo services for business events sales meetings airports casinos client entertainment road shows Board of Directors meetings private aviation and any other business travel necessity. Our state of the art. Whether you are planning an extended business trip or a night out on the town with clients our corporate limo customer service team will make sure your executive limousine is there to meet you on time. From that point your highly trained driver will escort you to your destination using the safest and most reliable route. Wherever your business takes you Rocky Point corporate limousine services will get you there safely comfortably and on time



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