2005 Four Winds Hurricane 30Q

2005 Class A motor home with 18 000 miles it has been well maintained with all owners manuals. Chassis Exterior 305 HP V10 engine with 4 speed od Trans. fog lamps backup camera 5000 lb. hitch wheel liners valve stem extenders electric entry way steps awning roof ladder rear pass through storage plus 5 other storage bins new tires. Interior raised oak cabinet doors microwave 3 burner stove with oven gas and electric fridg. freezer climate control 13 500 btu ac 35000 btu furnace thermostat control both heat and air new hd 20 front TV flat screen tv in bedroom with dvd player. Electric 30 amp service 4 kw onan gen. 3 new group 29 rv batteries auxiliary gen. start outside 110 volt receptacles 52 gal. fresh water 44 gal. grey water 26 gal. black water wit heater in all three tanks smoke gas and carbon monoxide detectors. - See more at www.rvregistry.com used-rv 1012407.htm sthash.doz9eqcH.dpuf



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