Buy 1 and 2 BHK apartments in OMR within your desired budget

Jasmine Springs Apartments in OMRThe IT corridor of Chennai. Surrounded by major IT parks prominent schools hospitals shopping avenues and entertainment zones. AREA 1.99 Acres NO. OF UNITS 569 TYPE OF UNITS Studio 1BHK 2BHK QUALITY HOMES REASONABLY PRICED BANG ON OMR OWN A HOME THAT IS STRONG AND DURABLE Built using the revolutionary MIVAN technology Smooth aesthetic finish with leak proof joints Fast construction ensures timely delivery OWN A HOME THAT IS STRATEGICALLY LOCATED Located bang on OMR Close to Siruseri IT Park High appreciation potential Close to reputed schools hospitals & social infrastructure OWN A HOME WITH THOUGHTFUL AMENITIES 65% open space for refreshing environment A Gym Party hall & Indoor games to indulge in 24 7 manned security with CCTV camera surveillance Power back-up for common areas OWN A HOME THAT IS EASY TO PURCHASE Get PMAY (Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana) benefit of up to Rs.2.67 lakh Subsidy. Up to Rs. 2.67 LAKH SUBSIDY FROM GOVERNMENT ON YOUR PURCHASE Survey No-1373 2B4 & 2B5 Thayyur Kelambakkam Post Bang on OMR Chennai 603103 91 7353472525



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