Commercial Refrigerator Repair SERVICE CALL IS FREE w Completed

Commercial Refrigeration Phoenix AZ It doesn t matter if you re running a Restaurant Hotel Retail establishment Office Hospital School universities or Church we ve got the tools technicians and experience needed to get you up and running in no time Our techs and trucks are stocked and trained to help you with the following types of equipment Reach In Freezers Reach In Refrigerators Sandwich Prep Tables Floral Cases Grocery Rack Systems Chef Bases Milk Coolers Floral Displays Chillers Beer Coolers Bar Equipment Ice Merchandisers Dipping Cabinets Walk In Coolers Walk In Freezer Soft Serve Machines Wine Refrigerators Merchandisers Horizontal Freezers Dipping Cabinet Undercounter Refrigerators Food Prep Tables Worktop Refrigerators And the following brands of equipment True Beverage Air Turbo Air Arctic Air Delfield Continental Electrolux Frigidaire Maxx Cold Summit Traulsen Victory Our experienced and courteous technicians are available 7 days a week to help you when you need it most. Our main goal is to minimize your down time and get you back to doing what you do best. Call Now and Get Your Service Call FREE W Any Completed Repair (602) 790-5486 Handyman services not a licensed contractor .



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