2012 Ford F-150 Platinum 4x4 EcoBoost

E-Mail Questions at brittnibhhatherly(at)ukos.com . 2012 Ford F150 Platinum 4x4. It has the Eco Boost engine. This Truck has a fully transferable full bumper to bumper warranty until 98 000 miles. It is the Ford ESP Extended Warranty. This truck has every option that Ford offered on the Platinum F150 in 2012 and it has many accessories added to it. Options include Touch Screen Navigation Satellite Radio Dual Headrest Entertainment System. Each can play a separate DVD and has Wireless Headphones Heated and Cooled Front Bucket Seats and Heated Bench Back Seat Power Sliding rear window w defrost NEW BFGoodrich TA KO2 285 65 20 Tires (less than 2000 miles on them) Bushwacker Pocket Style Fender Flares Professionally painted to match Warn GEN2 Trans4mer Grille Guard (winch not included) Power Deploy Running Boards Integrated Trailer Brake Controller LineX Spray in Bedliner Leer 100XL Truck Cap w led lighting led Brake light Built in Clothes Rack Carpeted Interior 3 port cigarette plug charging station. The interior of the truck is in excellent condition The Exterior is also in great Condition. It has a fresh oil change with full synthetic oil



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