1969 Chevrolet Camaro

ANY QUESTIONS JUST EMAIL ME panicolson(at)netzero.net . 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Blown Pro Street Car ...No Expenses Spared Engine 454 Bored and Stroked 502 Blown and Injected BDS Blower 871 with Injector Hat(built by Bad Ass) Transmission Turbo 400 with Line Lock and Trans Brake ATI with Reversible Valve Body Rears 9 Ford Rear Ends with Spool and Axles Gusset Plated (Braced) with Wheelie Bars Suspension Chrome 4 Link Suspension Other Full Pro Roll Cage Parachute Disc Brakes Fuel Cell Track Locator Bar Double Adjustable Coil Over Convo Pro Wheels Matching Hood



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