Mac Pro Quad Core 2.66 16GB RAM ATI 512MD Video card

Apple Mac Pro Quad Core 2.66 GHZ Xeon 5150 x216 GB of 667 MHz DDR2 ECC fully-buffered FB-DIMM memory 1 TB (7200 RPM) 3 Gb s Serial ATA system drive1 TB (7200 RPM) 3 Gb s Serial ATA secondary hard driveDouble-layer 16X SuperDrive ATI Radeon HD3870 video card with 512 MB of GDDR2 SDRAM one dual-link DVI port and one single-link DVI port. This card will run two 30 Apple Cinema HD DVI displays at full 2560x1600 resolution from its twin dual-link DVI ports Good machine for video editing graphics.Expansion includes two external 5.25 optical bays (one occupied by default) four internal 3.5 cable-free direct attach hard drive bays (three free by default) and four PCIe slots (three free with one graphics card installed). Ports include dual Gigabit Ethernet five USB 2.0 ports two Firewire 400 ports two Firewire 800 ports and optical digital audio in out among others. AirPort Extreme (802.11g n) Bluetooth 2.0 EDR and a modem are optional.Fresh OS 10.7 installedPower CordNo Keyboard or MouseCase has some scratchesCash pickup only



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