Extremely Private and Clean Multi-Use Nut Farm For Sale by Owner

Extremely Private and Clean Multi-Use Nut Farm For Sale by Owner Multi-family Property Authorization to show property to all realtors at 3%. Send potential buyers out and owners will be glad to show property. Sorry but owners will not accept owner financing or rent to own as a purchase option. 115 Edible Acres. Various unique fruit & nut trees-20 year growth. 3 spring-fed ponds-1stocked. Main home 2006 1800 sqft. 3BD 2.5BA 30 X 60 6 thick insulated walls 6 cement slab with tie downs. Country kitchen custom oak cabinets island hook up gas or electric stove pantry large master suite large walk-in closets in all bedrooms. Crown molding throughout home. 2 heat sources central air and heat. 2nd home 2BD 1 1 2BA 920 sqft with galvanized steel roof tie downs. Workshop metal siding and roof 25 x 150 20 ceilings 15 doors-2 doors partial cement shelves large compressor. RV pad with electric water hook up. 2 storm tornado shelters. Whole property fenced-5 cross fenced. Horse Farm potential or other Live stock Horse Riding Trails Bird Watching Fishing Hunting whitetail deer wild turkey. 80% Pasture 20% Timber. Extensive underground compound air system. 1000 gal pump diesel above ground tank. Underground pump water for garden from pond. Both Homes share 480 ft. well. 2 entrances with gates. Homes have been well maintained. Just off Y Highway on County Road 3680. Mountain View Mo-1 mile from city limits. Calls Between 10a.m. and 9p.m. please for appointment. Virtual Tours s www.youtube.com watch feature player_embedded& v FemwvI_DEws< li> & s www.youtube.com watch v uk6BImm5Bs0



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