Lovebirds Baby Hand Fed

BABY HAND FED LOVEBIRDS I have 2 babies that are almost weaned and eating seed ready to go to their forever homes. Both are yellow with red faces and colorful tails (aka Lutino). Hatch dates are 2-29--3-3-16. I am not sure of their sex yet as I cannot tell till approx. 6 months of age but I will show you how to tell. I will also give you some formula and show you how to feed them to finish weaning them. They are eating formua from a spoon now and not a dropper so it is not only fun to do but also will aid in creating a stonger bond with your baby These babies can live well into their teens and make great companions. They love to be with you in all that you do. They will sit on your shoulder give kisses learn whistles and much much more. They are Very lovable and devoted and become tamer the more they are held. (I also have babies that are still being fed and still in an incubator for those who want to start bonding earlier ) If interested please contact me. Merrillville IN area 219-487-1108 dragonfly100865(at)



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