Best Android and IOS Training Institute in Chennai Tiruvallur

AllTechZ Solutions Pvt Ltd (ATS) is one of the Excellent Android and IOS Training Institute in Chennai. AllTechZ syllabus includes Introduction to Android Setting up development environment Dalvik Virtual Machine & .apk file extension Basic Building blocks Activities Services Broadcast Receivers Content providers UI Components Application Structure (in detail) AndroidManifest.xml (Uses-permission & uses sdk Activity services receiver declarations) Resources & Assets Values Strings.xml Layouts & Draw able Resources Activities and Activity lifecycle and So on. By learning the trending technology like Android in AllTechZ anyone can get an easy job in IT. At AllTechZ they understand the app market and what makes a successful app and are here to give students the best training courses and hands on experience that will make students a professional app developer. AllTechZ will provide Android and IOS Certification once the students completed their course. In AllTechZ the class timings will be flexible for students. AllTechZ provides training for both students and professionals.



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