2014 Polaris Sportsman 570 EFI - EPS

This is a near new white 2014 Polaris Sportsman EFI 570 with EPS (Electronic Power Steering). This ATV was purchased new and sat in my garage ever since. I ve only driven it up and down my street a few times to keep the fluids regulated through the motor. It s never been off road (never got the chance). It s very powerful with a speedometer reading up to 80 mph. It only has 144 miles on it and again it s from me just running it occasionally up and down my street to keep it regulated. This is a very nice and powerful ATV with storage and towing capabilities. I ve only put 3 tanks of gas through it. There s just too much to list. It is automatic with dim and bright headlights foot and hand brakes low and high gear 4wd and 2wd capabilities. As you can see in the pics the tires are still in new condition. I added a maintenance free battery so no need to keep up with that hassle. This is a big ATV and will certainly get the job done. I m asking 7995 which will cover the payoff of my lien on the ATV and then you will get the title from my lienholder. They can be paid directly so you can be assured of getting the title sent directly to you. PLEASE ONLY SERIOUS BUYERS NEED RESPOND. NO SCAMMERS. I WILL NOT RESPOND TO SCAMS. Call Maurice at 317-646-9693



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