Looking for a 69 and analingus (rimming) partner

I am brand new to the bisexual world and have never done a single thing with another guy except in day dreams. For this reason I seek a guy who is young (up to age 30) and someone who is wholly or somewhat inexperienced or willing to put up with my lack of experience. If you are uncomfortable about our age difference don t feel obligated to do anything sexual to me but just let me do wonderful things to you. I ll do the best I can to make you happy.With the right guy I would deeply love to 69 until we c-m in each other s mouths and share analingus (also called by the ugly term riimming ) To me this means smelling tasting and licking your sweet sensitive anus. I am unsure about sharing a-al love and have not considered actual penetration except by my mouth and tongue. If you are a sensitive guy and we do the other two things a few times you might just convince me to share a-al love. Needless to add I am impecably clean and thoroughly disease-free.I look very much forward to hearing from you. If you are looking for either a friend an intimate encounter discretion (which I consider unnecesary but will honor your wishes) or a serious sexual relationship and ONLY if you are in Manchester New Hampshire or have no problem getting here write to me here or at carlloves69(at)protonmail.com. Be serious enough to write back when I reply to your message. I would appreciate a long letter with details about you and what you want to do with me. However if you are too shy to write a lengthy email do what you can.Looking forward to hearing from you CarlPlease write to me at carlloves69(at)protonmail.com



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