Single Family Fixer Upper Only 5900.

This Single-Family Home is located at 135 East 2nd street Junction City KS 66441. It has 2 bedrooms & 1 bath approximately 850 square feet. Built in 1929. Approx Lot Size of 6 500 sq ft. This property just came out of foreclosure and is offered by Global Premier Asset Serving. Offered at Only 5.900. Property is vacant and will need rehab updating. All wholesale assets are sold as is where is of course. This asset company has 250 Nationwide Assets with about 180 being Homes & Commercial properties in the Detroit area. All offered well below wholesale average list price from 2900 to 9 900. in Michigan If interested please email our office for a complete list. Located in the Geary County We are the Largest and Only Direct Wholesaler In the Detroit Area of Foreclosed Assets. Property Source Asset Liquidation Division A Nationwide DIRECT Wholesaler Of Foreclosed ASSETS We Are The 1 Supplier In The Detroit Wholesale Market. Florida Detroit Wholesale Asset Specialists 313-626-9600 Office



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