TBL-002 - Espres - 72x24 AllSteel -Aware Tables

Price 250.00 Per Unit Qty Available 45 Size 72x24 Item Condition Used Item Location Denver CO Product is Available 03 25 2016 Item Description Like new great deal Priced new at over 450.00 per table About the Manufacturer AllSteel - At Allsteel we re always looking for smart office furniture solutions to your workplace challenges. Our goal isn t simply to design the next new office system. It s to find a better way to work. It s not about creating a beautiful chair. It s about making you comfortable so you re free to reach your full potential. And it s not just about building an efficient workstation. It s about helping you imagine ways to do even more more efficiently. --------------------------------------------- ---------------- NEARLY ALL OUR PRICES ARE NEGOTIABLE MAKE US AN OFFER --------------------------------------------- ---------------- Whether you are in Colorado or in any of the continental United States Pete s Panels can handle all Shipping Delivering and Setup. Contact us today for a free shipping quote We have a large USED FURNITURE section containing Cubicles Desks Chairs Conference Tables and services covering our Advanced Office Cleaning Services and so much more check us out If you re local in Denver CO Give us a call today to set up an appointment to see our showroom PETE S PANELS 303-420-9403 Pete s Panels www.PetesPanels.com



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