2003 Ponatic Grand Am - 400

I have a 2003 Pontiac grand am I am selling the car is beautiful and in fantastic shape. What s wrong with it is the timing belt and needs a battery. This car is very nice and looks very hot it ll be a very nice car once it s repaired and running. The title is clean and in my name I have bill of sale and title in hand tires are good radio and all lights work. Beautiful body with only one or two dents easy fixes. I was very in love with the car when I saw it but it will take alittle more time than I got to dump into it not a costly repair just time and since I got another car I m not in need of this one no more. Very sad about it asking 400. this car will be wonderful with someone who knows what their doing with it and has the time to repair it. Good for parts to if you d like to part the thing out it is in good condition. CASH ONLY-Checks Not accepted



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