DD-009 - Mahogany - 6x6 EXCELLENT CONDITION Reception Desks

DD-009 - Mahogany - 6x6 EXCELLENT CONDITION Reception DesksPrice 700.00 Per Unit Qty Available 1 Size 6x6 Item Condition Used Item Location Westminster CO Product is Available 04 07 2016Extras Included 2 Drawer File Cabinet Pedestal 3 Drawer File Cabinet PedestalItem Description Beautiful Dark wood Mahogany Reception Desk. Features Transaction Top for customers clients and has (2) sets of drawers on either side. About the Manufacturer OTHER - There is unfortunately no manufacturer description with this item.---------------------------------------- ---------------------NEARLY ALL OUR PRICES ARE NEGOTIABLE MAKE US AN OFFER --------------------------------------------- ---------------- DELIVERY & INSTALL Pete s Panels can provide Delivery and Installation to all of Colorado and bordering states FREIGHT SHIPPING Pete s Panels utilizes a number of shipping carriers and can provide freight estimates to inquiring customers. However all actual shipping is ultimately up to the customer. Product will be packaged and palletized for safe shipping in our Denver warehouse - Weight Dimensions and Photos will be provided to the customer. We have a large furniture section containing both New and Used Cubicles Desks Chairs Conference Tables and so much more. Plus check out our list of services on how we can help you create and maintain your perfect office environment. If you re a local in Denver CO Give us a call today to set up an appointment to see our showroom PETE S PANELS303-420-9403 Pete s Panelswww.PetesPanels.com



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