2009 Dodge Challenger SRT

E-Mail Questions at mathildemrruehling(at)clubsuzuki.com . 2009 Dodge Challenger SRT8 This is a loaded SRT8 with all options. If it was available in 2009 it has it. The engine was pulled from the car around 11000 miles and was professionally built at Strictly Performance in Houston Texas. The rotating assembly is from Arrington performance. This is a legit 426 cubic inch Hemi that has been built using the best parts. I have every machining and weighted value when it was balanced. I have every receipt on the car since new including original dealer invoices. Both owners of this car meticulously maintained it. In 2012 a custom Shaker hood was built for this car from scratch using a Shaker bubble built to look like a 1970 Hemi Shaker from the Challenger back then. It was painted in base coat clear coat and matched to the car perfectly. Trans was gone through shift kit and Mercedes Blue top solenoids installed with a new stall speed 2800 torque converter. 1000 hp axles and a quaife differential was installed to take the power. The brakes are original brembos front to back. The car has not been in an accident but has had some paint work done as the door and quarter panel were scratched and were repaired. This car has a sunroof NAV radio with lockpic and back up camera. Two keys with remote start. Cam was custom ground and done here locally by Michigan Hemi Performance and tuned by Johan Mr. Diablotuna. Car comes with the diablosport trinity module with stock tune and current tune on the car. A C was just serviced last summer. No check engine lights and no issues with drive ability. It does have a lope to the cam to make power so it does rock at the light. Kooks headers and corsa exhaust is on the car That alone was 3700 and I have the bill. The car was dynoed by previous owner at 474 HP at the wheels which is approximately 575-600 at the crank Engine cost 12000 Exhaust was 3700 wheels were 1500. The hood shaker and paint work cost almost 5000 total. With the trans axle and billet specialties parts under the hood that adds another 2500.



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